The Algae Research and Culture (‘AlReCul’) Group of the Athens University (NKUA) is a group of phycologists, STAFF MEMBERS in the Department of "Ecology and Systematics" (Faculty of Biology, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens). This group started research on algae in 1970 when Head and founder of the Department was the late Professor Dr. K. Anagnostidis (Link), a distinguished phycologist working mainly on the systematics of blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria).
Τhis group is supervised since 1994 by Professor Em. Dr. Athena ECONOMOU-AMILLI acting as Scientific Responsible: email: aamilli[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr, site:
Maintenance of microalgae has been one of the main objectives of the ‘AlReCul’ group, and the established strain bank (Athu-Al) is housed in the Department of Ecology & Systematics of the Biology Faculty, University of Athens (NKUA). Apart from educational and purely scientific purposes, the algae strains have also been used for Applied Phycology Research (Link).